Mixed Media – Sheet Metal Gutters, Caulking, T-Posts, Welded Wire Fabric, Water, Unleaded Fuel, Coal, Sand, Sun, Fire
Approximately 14”W x 183’L
Guadalupe Dunes, CA
AKA Falling 1.1. The beginning of the dialogue, The Bridge attempts to create connection – between what we know as the physical world and the spiritual. In its most basic form, it attempts to record the artist’s memory of a phenomenological event in which the release of gas from an oil platform flamed-up and created a visual bridge across the ocean between a distant island and the mainland. Much like the reflection of the sun across the surface of the water, the reflection tracks with the viewer, while the sun or light source remains stationary. How does one connect with nature? How does one tap the spiritual essence or energy within nature? Are they one in the same, integrated or separate?
Much like a rite, The Bridge is ephemeral. Similar to megalithic alignments, its orientation is dictated by the location of the setting sun in a particular place at a particular time. The fire lit is a plea for connection traveling towards the reflective bridge that the Sun in turn provides. Each side giving, sending, and the two meeting at the shoreline – the demarcation between two worlds.